The #TradWife Trend - A Perfumed Path to Burnout
The Trad Wife Trend: A Perfumed Path to Burnout?
Ladies, have you heard about the latest craze sweeping social media? It's called being a "trad wife" - short for traditional wife. Essentially, it's about embracing the good ol' 1950s housewife aesthetic while documenting every perfectly curated moment for the 'gram.
Now, I get the appeal of slowing down and simplifying life. Believe me, as a hot mess mom rocking a 3-day-old hair situation, I fantasize about trading in my hoodie for an apron and baking loaves of artisanal sourdough all day. But let's be real - the trad wife movement isn't about achieving zen-like simplicity. It's about performing domestic bliss for millions of voyeuristic followers while hawking products and monetizing your "traditional" lifestyle.
Think About It
What exactly is traditional about being an influencer with 8.8 million followers obsessing over your #outfitoftheday?Since when did keeping a "traditional" home involve countless takes and perfect lighting to nail that cross-stitch tutorial? Sounds more like the 21st century's twisted idea of a #girlboss to me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for women making choices that fulfill them. If playing happy homemaker brings you joy, by all means, knock yourself out with the bread-baking and needlepoint. But let's call it like it is - the trad wife trend isn't about rejecting feminism, it's about profiting off a deeply problematic aesthetic rooted in outdated gender stereotypes.
The Movement
At its core, the movement romanticizes an era when sexism and racism were the norm, and a woman's primary purpose was birthing babies and keeping her man happy. Yikes. I don't know about you, but I'd rather my daughter aspire to be more than just a smiling, subservient set piece for the male gaze.
So by all means, take a break from the daily grind and embrace a slower pace. Bake, nest, and reconnect with the simple joys in life. But don't buy into the trad wife fantasy peddled by influencers making bank off your insecurities. Feminism means having the freedom to choose your own path - not regressing into an antiquated, oppressive version of domesticity for likes and sponsorships.
Let’s Be Real
At the end of the day, the key to avoiding burnout isn't playing dress-up as a 1950s housewife. It's giving yourself permission to be imperfect, to disengage from the toxic hustle culture, and to unapologetically embrace whatever version of yourself feels most authentic in that moment - even if it's a hot mess mom rocking a messy bun and a "good" hoodie. Listen to The Trad Wife Trend podcast episode on The Burnout Lab Podcast, to have some fun unpacking all of this with Courtney and I.