Just Keep Swimming
Innovation might feel like a buzzword. But it’s been a cornerstone in my career.
Whether it’s building new products and systems, making big changes to processes, or building agile teams, innovation is in my DNA. While working in financial services, I had the privilege to connect with customers from many different industries. Many of those connections were about how we could innovate our offerings to better serve them.
In the last few years, my focus has been innovations in customer experience, an area of focus that’s the confluence of many different pieces of the business: customer service, information technology, operations, communications and marketing, and finance.
Personally, innovation also means a commitment to continuous learning, growth, and change.
After 18 years in the financial services industry, I decided to begin a new chapter in my career a few months ago. It was time to innovate for myself. To learn new industries and make an impact on this province in other ways. Initially, my focus was going to be 100 percent on my own venture. But I was presented with some incredible opportunities that made me rethink—and innovate—my approach to this stage in my career.
I’ve built and launched my own venture Serenus Inc. Right now, I’m undertaking three initiatives: impact-centred leadership coaching; customer experience and technology consulting; and, creating a community around burnout prevention and recovery with my podcast “The Burnout Lab.” It’s been an incredible learning experience to tackle this important work.
I’m also working with the incredible team at Harvest Builders . Harvest is doing amazing work at the confluence of energy, climate and AI, all with a mandate to make the world a better place. It’s the kind of innovative mindset that aligns perfectly with my life.
Shifting my career, and finding ways to innovate for myself hasn’t been straight forward. I’ve been fortunate to have the support of my wonderful family, and an incredible group of friends and mentors.
But even with that support, it hasn’t been an easy road. I had to create and maintain my own momentum. I know many of you have dealt with imposter syndrome, and I’ve felt that too. But I’ve learned to ignore that voice—not only because I know there’s a ton of evidence that that voice is wrong. But also because I know that as an entrepreneur, and a visionary leader, I don’t have a choice. Like in Finding Nemo, I just have to keep swimming. And with each stroke, I gain more confidence, more clarity, embrace the challenges and learn from them.
One thing that’s always been true about me is that authenticity is one of my most important values. I believe that in order to feel happy and fulfilled, I must live my values. It takes too much effort to pretend to be someone you’re not. If I’m not living my values—if I can’t show up and be me and be accepted as I am—I know I’m in the wrong place.
And right now, I’m exactly where I need to be.
So hi. I’m Tevi. I’m still learning and innovating in my work and myself. Let’s connect!