Lessons & Laughs

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EPISODE 19: Lessons & Laughs with guests Kelly Jo Craddock & Crystal Packard


Hey listeners! Welcome back to another deep dive in our Educator Series. I’ve got two fabulous guests today – Crystal and Kelly Jo, seasoned educators and parents with two decades of experience each. Join us for an open and honest chat as we explore the challenges educators face and what it means to advocate for our teachers.

Getting to Know Our Guests

Meet Kelly Jo, an educator for over 20 years, mom of two, and partnered with another educator. Crystal, mom to three teenage boys, has been friends with yours truly for a cool decade. These two are a dynamic teaching duo, supporting each other in and out of the classroom.

Nurturing Duality

Kelly Jo sets the stage by highlighting the importance of acknowledging diverse perspectives and experiences. In an era of polarization, understanding that everyone’s viewpoint is valid fosters a healthy dialogue. The duo advocates for open conversations and the acceptance of duality.

Broken Education System

Crystal dives into her perspective of Alberta’s education system, expressing concern about its cracks and lack of government support. As a parent of three kids navigating the system, she sheds light on the systemic challenges affecting both students and educators.

Changing Landscape Since COVID

Our guests note a shift in how teachers are perceived post-Covid. While fortunate to work in a positive environment, they acknowledge the pressures of societal expectations, rapid pace, and the changing curriculum, with teachers being excluded from the important decisions being made.

Parent-Teacher Partnerships

Crystal reflects on the change in perspective she had pre- and post-parenthood. She emphasizes the need for teachers and parents to partner together rather than harbour judgement. The conversation touches on unrealistic expectations, the constant busyness of kids, and the societal pressure on both parents and educators.

Teacher’s Double Lives

We delve into the teacher’s demanding dual role – the emotional connection with students and their families, coupled with societal expectations. The hosts reflect on how teachers are often pulled into multiple roles, including parenting, social work, and basic needs provision, creating an intricate web of responsibilities.

Balancing Expectations

Tevi shares her realization about parents shifting blame to teachers when issues arise, contributing to burnout. The conversation calls for a shift in expectations, where parents allow kids to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow as individuals.

Authentic Living

The hosts discuss burnout as a misalignment between one’s inner self and external presentation. They explore the impact of social media, societal pressures, and the importance of letting kids live authentically rather than driving them toward the things they as parents love.

Gratitude and Advocacy

Despite the challenges, the hosts emphasize the love for their jobs and children. They stress the need for parents to appreciate the holistic caretakers are providing. Advocacy, they assert, is a joint responsibility of parents and educators.

Preventing Burnout

Crystal and Kelly Jo share their personal strategies to prevent burnout – setting boundaries, seeking counseling, and making time for self-care. The hosts recognize the challenges and acknowledge the importance of ongoing efforts to find balance.


A massive shout out to Crystal and Kelly Jo for joining me on this episode. This conversation was self-care for us all just to debrief and have someone to talk to. Thank you for opening my eyes to the job we have as parents to advocate for our educators. They’re bringing up the next generations and we should care, and they should show that we care! Let’s step up and do our part!

Until next time, go out and live your life lit! 🔥


When Pushing Through the “Burnout” Pain isn’t an Option.


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